Power Moms: It Could Be You

Real talk ladies and gentlemen – I’m tired. I’ve been tired for a while but this past week presented a new challenge. It’s nothing I can’t manage but it’s going to require adjustment. I’ve been busier than usual and I didn’t make time to think about and write about what special Power Mom to celebrate this week. Still, it’s Power Mom Monday and I’m determined to celebrate powerful moms. Therefore, this week is a short, but sincere shout out to all of the tired moms. Ladies, I can relate!

Have you been up all night with a crying baby? Have you been cleaning your house all day, only for your family to make a mess in an hour? Are you studying? Are you shuttling children from ballet class to volleyball practice to violin lessons? What about you, working an extra job? And you, starting a new business? I see you, taking care of your mother, and your grandchildren, while keeping your part time job. I see you too, foster mom, sharing your home with children who need a safe place to rest. Hey homeschooling mom! Hello stay-at-home mom, longing for adult conversation, yet loving the time spent with your children. Hi there traveling mom, longing to kiss your children goodnight while running an international corporation. Hi teacher mom, pouring yourself into your students and your children. Greetings moms who sometimes just want a break from momming.

I see you. I appreciate you. I’m glad that you do what you do. Today, please join me as I celebrate all of the tired moms, which is quite possibly all moms. We appreciate you ladies!

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