A Day of Ease

The dryer just stopped and suddenly all I hear is the ticking clock. It’s oddly quiet. I was staring out the window, phone in hand, watching the tree limbs sway in the breeze. I hadn’t really noticed the sound of the dryer until I heard the clock. It seems like I was watching a dance… Read More A Day of Ease

And How Are The Children?

Should we ask ourselves, and each other, especially in the midst of these tumultuous times, what is the news? Instead of the general “hello,” should we begin to ask about the children and the elders? Would asking those questions help us to adjust our focus? Could African greetings help all Americans, North, Central, and South, to make necessary course corrections in our thoughts and actions toward each other? … Read More And How Are The Children?

Careful, Thankful and Tired

Again, I’ve called and emailed government officials and signed petitions. Again, I’ve reminded my children that they must always be mindful of their safety when dealing with police officers. Again, I’ve corrected the white Christians who try to convince Black people to respond to the constant threat of injustice and violence in ways that are more acceptable to the majority. I’m tired though. Preparing my children for interactions with law enforcement is tiresome. Reminding Christians of the responsibility to “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression,” is exhausting. EXHAUSTING!… Read More Careful, Thankful and Tired

My Own Pace On My Own Path

Most days I felt as though I was swimming through mud, struggling for every inch forward, barely catching my breath. Blogging became a chore, not a solution. Everything made me tired. In near desperation, I continued looking for jobs with a resigned willingness to accept almost anything, much the way I imagine a lonely person looks at dating sites. On the second or third day of the year, I quit.… Read More My Own Pace On My Own Path